25/25 - 25 scripts for 25 performances

There were an average of 25 deportations per month out of Ireland in 2019. In solidarity with people requiring international protection everywhere, I have written 25 scripts for 25 performances with 25 actors for 25 days of isolation to reflect on the nature of thresholds, boundaries and borders in this time of restricted movement.

For 25/25  I invited performers the world to develop non-verbal, one person movement based performance  around a simple script I wrote. 
'Grapefruit' is an artist book by Yoko Ono. It is a work of conceptual art that consists of event scores that involve simple actions, ideas, and objects from everyday life recontexualized as performance. My ongoing 25/25 project is based on similar simple non-verbal movement based instructions or scripts or scores.
25 scores for 25 actors over 25 days for 25 deportations, 25 years after I experienced it myself reflect on the nature of boundaries, borders and thresholds in this time of restricted movement.
I have had some wonderful videos back already from several artists and I am looking forward to working with a few more. Anyone in lockdown anywhere in the world interested in having a go, DM me for a script.

Title:25/25 25 Scripts for 25 actors for 25 deportations in 25 days. #endDeportations campaign

The artwork: Instructions for performance

Medium : Non-verbal, one-person instructions; 27 pp A4 size portfolio for 25 performance

Year: 2020

Performed by 25 actors in 25 locations in 2020.


© Choregraphing Border Movements. Design by Fearne.